tirsdag den 1. december 2009
mandag den 23. november 2009
lørdag den 21. november 2009

Danish designer Sebastian Campion recently brought his Urban Cursor project to the Ingràvid Festival in Figueres, Spain. Passersby moved the cursor, which was mounted on wheels and outfitted with GPS, around the city center. The cursor’s movements were tracked on Google Maps. According to Campion, the object of the project is “to facilitate social interaction and play in public space.”
Via Urban Prankster
onsdag den 18. november 2009
mandag den 2. november 2009
Google Social Search - big news
GIven the interest in all things social I'm surprised the Google Social Search announcement hasn't got more coverage. Giving Google access to your social networks will enable the search results to show relevant information posted by your friends - across Twitter, Flickr, LinkedIn, Yelp etc (although no mention of Facebook so we'll assume that's a no)
The local aspect is very interesting when we think about mobile - another example of mobile and social coming together.
Thoughts? Will you give Google access to your social graph?
(From Big Picture on Advertising)
The local aspect is very interesting when we think about mobile - another example of mobile and social coming together.
Thoughts? Will you give Google access to your social graph?
(From Big Picture on Advertising)
fredag den 30. oktober 2009
Argumentet Reality

No printing is necessary to activate Burger King's new augmented reality banner showcasing the fast food giant's Value menu. Viewers can hold up any old dollar bill to their web ams and get a taste of what the greenback can buy. They can also use their faces to make like The King.
torsdag den 17. september 2009
mandag den 10. august 2009
onsdag den 29. juli 2009
Virgin & Twitter
Virgin Australia challenged three Twitter users to promote its Oz to LA short break by sending a barrage of minute by minute tweets throughout the trip. The whirlwind tour of LA culminated in 4,320 tweets over 72 hours, after a competition selected three friends to take part in the trip and keep followers up to date with their every move. The twitter feed at http://4320la.com was so popular it picked up around 200 new users a millisecond and had to switch to a bigger server to cope with the demand. Via Droga5, Sydney.
onsdag den 24. juni 2009
Marketing in the cloud
"Tænk smart ikke dyrt". Dette er en nødvendighed i den økonomi som
vi befinder os i nu - dette er den kortest mulige version af det netop
afsluttede seminar afholdt af R/GA og hardwareproducenten HP. Ved at
udnytte det sociale element på den digitale platform til fulde har HP
skabt et univers hvor brugere hjælper hinanden med eventuelle
problemstillinger ved producentens hardware. Dette betyder at HP i høj
grad har overlade customerservice til brugerne selv. Herved opnår HP
ikke kun en sænkning i udgifter men ydermere en mærkbar stigning i
det opfattede serviceniveau. Ergo benyttes den sociale digitale
platform til at skabe en forum hvor termen "mange til mange" udnyttes
til fulde. Dette et ikke kun smart men endnu vigtigere en nødvendighed
i den økonomi vi befinder os i nu.
vi befinder os i nu - dette er den kortest mulige version af det netop
afsluttede seminar afholdt af R/GA og hardwareproducenten HP. Ved at
udnytte det sociale element på den digitale platform til fulde har HP
skabt et univers hvor brugere hjælper hinanden med eventuelle
problemstillinger ved producentens hardware. Dette betyder at HP i høj
grad har overlade customerservice til brugerne selv. Herved opnår HP
ikke kun en sænkning i udgifter men ydermere en mærkbar stigning i
det opfattede serviceniveau. Ergo benyttes den sociale digitale
platform til at skabe en forum hvor termen "mange til mange" udnyttes
til fulde. Dette et ikke kun smart men endnu vigtigere en nødvendighed
i den økonomi vi befinder os i nu.
Af anden yderst bemærkelsesværdig kommunikation kan Nike+ the human
race absolut nævnes da det sociale element kommer til udtryk i
følelsen af at være en del af mange der sammen laver noget
ekstraordinært. Nike+ brugte den allerede udbredte platform til at
tilbyde således en "service". Fokus var således ikke på medebudget
men på content. Dette er vejen frem i er noget trængt marked
Sendt fra min iPhone
Battle of the sexes in cyberspace
BBDO has pointed out the differences between the different sexes use
of the internet. Male's focus on the primary objective - getting the
job done, while women see the Internet as a new magazine used to get
inspired of trying out new things. This notion is of the ad most
importance when you communicate online. Target your communication and
direct both creative and media
We expireence a growth of women over 55 on facebook- which stresses
the notion that the primary use of the Internet for women is social
oriented while male is more focussen in solving a problem or finding a
of the internet. Male's focus on the primary objective - getting the
job done, while women see the Internet as a new magazine used to get
inspired of trying out new things. This notion is of the ad most
importance when you communicate online. Target your communication and
direct both creative and media
We expireence a growth of women over 55 on facebook- which stresses
the notion that the primary use of the Internet for women is social
oriented while male is more focussen in solving a problem or finding a
Sendt fra min iPhone
tirsdag den 23. juni 2009
The microsoft thought on advertising 2009
The microsoft thought on advertising 2009 cannes is basically the
notion on the three screen communication. Thus a somewhat narrow
thought in regards to integrated communication. Not to shout it too
loud as a digital individual - but there is more to media than the
pure digital approach. Basically the three screen notion in
communication on the digital platforms - pc, mobile and xbox.
Of cause the future is digital - but i must stress that digital, as
well as non digital innovation, must have the consumer as the sole
focus. The digital innovation must add value to the consumer - making
life easier.
So the three screen notion must add value to the consumer
Sendt fra min iPhone
notion on the three screen communication. Thus a somewhat narrow
thought in regards to integrated communication. Not to shout it too
loud as a digital individual - but there is more to media than the
pure digital approach. Basically the three screen notion in
communication on the digital platforms - pc, mobile and xbox.
Of cause the future is digital - but i must stress that digital, as
well as non digital innovation, must have the consumer as the sole
focus. The digital innovation must add value to the consumer - making
life easier.
So the three screen notion must add value to the consumer
Sendt fra min iPhone
mandag den 22. juni 2009
Cannes Lions 2009
Kære læser
Du vil her på bloggen kunne følge Cannes Lions 2009 - der vil dagligt blive udgivet posts fra diverse indlæg og paneldiskussioner, samt en sammenfatning når showet er vel overstået og de sidste performere har forladt scenen.
Du vil her på bloggen kunne følge Cannes Lions 2009 - der vil dagligt blive udgivet posts fra diverse indlæg og paneldiskussioner, samt en sammenfatning når showet er vel overstået og de sidste performere har forladt scenen.
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